About Us

Objective Of Hygiene DImensions

The objective of this website is to provide a platform to general people which highlights the areas/items, where in our daily life we expose ourselves to high levels of microorganisms.

A piece of information that can easily be understood by a common person. The use of this platform is to help the public to minimize cross-contamination and infection rates during day-to-day activities.

Microorganisms & Daily Life

In our daily life, we use a variety of items and areas in our houses, workplaces, shopping centers, public transport, airports, school, college, universities, etc. Some areas and items usually carry a high microbial load on them. So, makes these areas and items important to prevent the transfer of these microorganisms to get sick.

Basically, a platform that highlights the items or areas of hotspots for a variety of individuals of different ages (children, adults including vulnerable people living in aged care) based on;

  • An item that is usually full of microorganisms.
  • An item that is usually cleaner
  • How to clean these items.
  • What type of microorganisms are isolated from these places with some detail of them?